Founded in 2009.

Stroudinc is a “Strict” eCommerce Consultancy

Stroudinc has offices in Utah and Colorado. Founded in 2009, it presently maintains a team of around 60.

As a consultancy, Stroudinc actively audits, reviews and consults on more than a billion dollars in eCommerce each year. In terms of advertising channels that is reviewed, it would be fair to say that nearly every online advertising channel falls within the scope of our consulting and audits.

Presently, Stroudinc reviews thousands of companies each year. With a strong reputation for success, we have active clients that have been with us for 5+ years.


Stroudinc has a particular proclivity within the evaluation of (i) a brand’s “Market Position” and how that is maintained and/or effected and (ii) a brand’s eCommerce architecture.

We do not compete with agencies as we are not an agency. We work with dozens of agencies, marketing teams and independent contractors in the fulfillment of our responsibilities.

ABout Chris Stroud


My wife and I have 5 beautiful children and presently enjoy the comforts of a “digital work life” and travel the world.

You can follow our exploits at @7wayfinders in Instagram and YouTube. You can also see our blog here.

As equal partners in Stroudinc, Leslie handles the primary role of finance and HR for our 10+ team, while I manage our client consulting and support teams.

Welcome to the family! We look forward to hearing from you.

Chris Stroud