Welcome to Stroudinc.

Online Marketing & eCommerce Audits

Brands We’ve Worked With (And THOusands More)…


eCommerce Audits

As an eCommerce Consultancy, Stroudinc has been offerring free eCommerce audits since 2009.

Chris StroudAt Stroudinc, we audit, review and advise on billions of dollars worth of eCommerce revenue. Each year alone, we review and audit 1,000+ companies.

Our audits cover companies that range from startups to those doing more than $350M a year.

Our purpose, candidly put, is to show you that you “Don’t know what you don’t know.” There is more to success in eCommerce than you might suspect.

Our audits are free. Once we have access to the appropriate info and data, we are able to complete each audit within 3-5 business days. Let’s talk!

Want More Background? Need More info?

Proof’s in the pudding they always say… and we’ve made a lot of pudding! See ACTUAL revenue and statistical success below.

Who is chris stroud?

Since 2007, Chris Stroud has reviewed, managed, negotiated and audited more than 100,000 online ad campaigns from more than 20,000 companies.

This unique vantage point has enabled him to see paradigm shifts in consumer behavior, market dynamics, DTC/eCommerce Trends and unique tactics that have empowered his clients and those he's audited to experience explosive DTC growth.

In this panel discussion, we will cover a number of the most impactful trends and tactics and their application with a number of companies and their results.

The aim of your audit is to empower all attendees to review and evaluate their online marketing and eCommerce ecosystems from Chris’s vantage point.

What Is stroudinc?

Stroudinc is an “Strict” Marketing Consultancy, specialising in eCommerce and other online marketing activities.

The consulting services provided by Stroudinc cover thousands of respective tactics and initiatiaves that can be generally categorized in Brand/Personnel development across the following categories:

- Business Financial/Mathematical Equation
- Marketing Channel Selection
- eCommerce Systems & Architecture
- Market Positioning | Creative Performance
- Political & Emotional Capital MGMT

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
— Quote Source