eCommerce Consulting

$15M+ Growth With Clients Consulted In Q4 2022 YoY.
Yes, we’ve cracked the problem for iOS 14!



There is nothing quite like that moment a company sees rapid, exponential eCommerce and Retail growth.

Brands we’ve worked with (and 300+ more)

Proof is in The PUDDING

Yeah. This is my office. :)

Doubling new customer acquisition is a DREAM!

We started in October. Check out the comparisons. This is new customer acquisition, by month, along with batch growth measurements.

$6.5M+ in growth…

…since the commencement of our engagement. Well done to our client. They did 100% of the work, I'm just happy to guide, advise, educate, ideate, network and audit along the way. Wait till you see what they launch this month! haha. Next year will look so much different!

Boats on the water with island in background

Adventure seekers

Plan Slovenia this summer! It was epic! YES, I flew my drone and YES my kids swam in the lake! This region is the stuff of legends. Just so beautiful. I hope they include this region in the wheel of Time series…


One by one this Christmas is going to be great for large and small alike! :) Go capitalism! :) I CANNOT WAIT for BFCM!

Ever been to Slovenia?

Neither had I! It was awesome and well worth it. Don't be afraid of getting outside your comfort zone, go grab some adventure and hold on tight.... you never know, it may change you permanantly. :)

PS - a little fresh air and freedom does wonders for the brain.

Next stop $20M+

$4.5M -> $10.3M in growth!!!! YoY!!! Here's the crazy thing.... this group has been fighting an uphill battle the whole way and is SELF FUNDED throughout this whole thing.

Do you know your own Mathematical Equation?

We're at an unprecedented growth pace. We anticipate that 100% through my consulting and the client’s hard work, we'll hit around $5M - $7M in growth next year. Explosive for the client. But, there’s more to the story…

We've just cracked open our next stage of growth

$5M in growth this year. I LOVE IT! What's more is that we've just cracked open our next stage of growth through our consulting and I think we can increase our profit by nearly 45% as we head into this next year.

Sometimes consulting marketers is rough. Sometimes is great. But these are the times that make it SWEETER than I can imagine.

This girl planned 85% of our London trip.

When I say planned, I mean PLANNED. At 16, she planned markets, shows, shops, street fairs, food stalls and more. While walking, she said "I used to be nervous travelling, now everywhere just feels like home".... haha SUCCESS! Happy 16th Lucy (a bit of an early celebration).

Yeah, it happened again…

I spent way too much on nothing but experiences with my wife and children. I have zero assets, commodities or investments (financial ones) to show for it.

My wallet is light again and getting lighter…

The thing is though… I just can’t stop.

Here’s the truth of the matter. These memories with my kids are golden to me. I adore them. We take thousands of photos and have made hundreds of videos, and they mean the world to me.

"You're surrounded by killers!"

A natural reference to an amazing audit provided to one of our clients. LOVE IT! Surrounding yourself with amazing talent is easily more than 50% of the battle. In all aspects of business. One of the most amazing pivots we've made for our clients in the last 6 months is an extremely in depth audit process processed on a systemic basis as a means of aiding internal and external buyers in FB, Google, Tiktok and others. Its been amazing!

Check out those metrics!

Introducing the "Market Acceptance Test" or MAT for short. ;) (See the MAT in the title call out). This improvement, comes on the back of 10 days of testing. CHECK OUT THOSE METRICS! In the wrong hands, its can look/act/feel like ad spend chaos, but with the right implementation, results can be amazing! Can you believe that?!?! A $30 drop in trackable CPA.... Nearly a $10 drop in the average cost per ATC (Add to Cart), which we all know is the strongest representation of a potential shopper/buyer.

Am I curious enough?

“Guys have underestimated me my entire life and for years I never understood why – it used to really bother me. Then one day I was driving my little boy to school, and I saw a quote by Walt Whitman, it was painted on the wall there and it said, ‘Be curious, not judgmental.’ I like that.” (Ted throws a dart.)

I am MISSING New Zealand SOOO MUCH! :)

We sometimes do business trips around the world with our clients and partners. If you had to pick New Zealand or Iceland, which would you do?

We're kinda leaning towards Iceland in 2024 for our client trip, but they're both SO AMAZING!

How it happened

RESULT: 54% Monthly increase, when comparing YoY.
HOW IT HAPPENED: To understand truly the impact of the changes, its critical to note that YTD, the clients' retail partners are down by nearly 40% YoY due to industry shifts. These "industry trend" breaking improvements have come through a more refined product presentation through creative and custom landing pages, accompanying email nurture series and pop ups, along with improved creative focused on lifestyle application. In essence, the product in this case is not a singular item, but rather a grouping of products that create an experience.

AOV is up. Revenue is up. Brand awareness is up. CPA is down. Great progress all in all.

Review your model

What does it take to improve ROAS in 2023? At first glance, the response might be "Improved Ad Buying" or "Improved Marketing", when in review, the core issue may be "Architectural Framework" of your business. In essence, what you're offering, how you're offering it, in what packaging/experience and at what price.

Well done!

Dang this feels good! 114% growth YoY when comparing this month. This client requires a lot of "Funnel Filling" ahead of time, so this is 100% the effect of a lot of prep and hard work. Well done Mr. Client. Well well done!

Family matters

I LOVE traveling with our kids! :) They’re a hoot. We’re going on 45+ countries and this video is short but fun. All their doing. It definitely takes time to build the travel muscles for kids but dang they’re fun!


I'm just saying, after the 16,000,000 times they've warned us, I think we're still dragging our feet! Haha! J/K, we're now setting this up for all our clients who would like (for free).

May the force be with you!

Go beyond. WAY BEYOND.

Since 2018, I've spent sizeable amounts of time and money travelling around the work with our family of 7. Early on I realized that these times would be considered precious beyond compare and that it would be critical to document them. As such, mainly for my own family, we've created 300+ videos (many on Youtube) and I've taken thousands (more than 200,000) photos to be exact, in more than 45 of the countries that we've visited.

I can honestly say, I am SO EXCITED to see companies like Apple taking the ability to experience our own videos and photography to new heights. The tech is exciting, but the memories are precious beyond belief.


May performance

Man! Phew! What a year its been so far. We're nearing the end of the first six months and it has been a doozy! FB algorythm changes, hiccups, attribution platform nightmares, top of funnels shrinking from eCommerce brands, creative production budgets shrinking due to a lack of understanding around its use.... WOW! With all that in mind, look, my message is not doom and gloom, but rather, that the grass is VERY green and growth is VERY attainable.

Artwork abroad

If you've never been to Portugal, especially Lisbon, you'd have no idea the amount of amazing artwork that is painted all over the city. Whereas I do occasionally tire of the mundane graffiti, I LOVE seeing artists at work. Living abroad never gets old. haha.


$3M+ growth in under a year. Greater than 146%+ total growth in under 12 months. 15,000+ new subscriptions. CPA against LTV on a new customer, sub 20%. With our amazing client and Fred as our guide, we're on track for great things. ;)


Perspective is a powerful thing. In warfare, they say that one of the first things you should do, is remove your enemy's ability to perceive you or their own surroundings. Let me provide some perspective that hopefully improve your position in "Battle".


This was not produced through AI. I did not outsource this. This is life. I work to live, not live to work. Its not every day that I get my family of 7, alone, with zero tech, in the middle of the Sahara.

Do not be afraid…to be different

One of our clients just launched their pre-order in a unique model of my own creation. Already we’re seeing amazing performance. What’s even more crazy is that the investors still have no idea they’re even selling yet! Haha! What a nice surprise that’ll be.


What do you do when you have the most amazing MGMT team on the planet? You take them to Disneyworld for some fun! Haha! Although we’re missing a few, we’ll get them on the next trip. Missing you Tom, Ethan and Stephanie!

We love traveling with our team, so far we’ve hit China, France, Disney World and more! Get out people. Skip the silly standard office Christmas presents and grab a flight!


We introduced "Coaches" to assist clients who manage large ad budgets without enough support.

And wow … the results have been amazing!


How do you explain the value of work, not in terms of earnings, but in terms of its impact on the passions of your own children? I have wanted each of my sons and daughters to "aim high" with their future goals. As I think about work, though, I am drastically concerned that they will equate earnings to success. Its hard not to, honestly, when we often judge a value of work by the amount of financial recompense that is paid.


This is amazing (300% growth YoY), but we're just barely touching the surface. We're presently running the necessary calculations required to forecast cash flow requirements in order to run an entirely pivoted new customer acquisition strategy, allowing the client to grow exponentially. Based upon our betas thus far, we're aiming to increase new customers acquired from by greater than 400% by EOY. We have the models. We have the product. We have the niche. Now, we just have to run a solid business.

What a challenge. What a great business!


Nearly a decade ago, I received a phone call from a long standing client, informing me that they would no longer be in need of my consulting services. I was frustrated, disappointed, and sad. We'd worked long and hard to help them accomplish success and unfortunately the success we'd achieved was not enough.

Remarkably Patient

What's so remarkable about this growth line has everything to do with the client and nothing to do with the growth. He was SO PATIENT as we tested, tested and tested some more. It took us nearly a year to REALLY hit our stride.

Sure, we produced some notable revenue growth before then, but nothing like what we hit after we hit our stride. Most clients would have given up on us far before that, but not this one. He was patient. He was kind. He was respectful in all his concerns and communication.

Today, he's sitting on massive cash cow with plenty of room to grow.

Yes, he's still a client and yes, we're still hungry to do more. Thanks man! You know who you are!

There is no real change…

without the proper perspective. I have been growing companies now since 2004. Doing it in the online space since 2007 and under my own consultancy since 2009. I can say confidently that the last 18 months has been harder for more DTC/B2C eCommerce companies we've audited (outside of our clientele) than what I've seen since the 2007-2011 period. Its been rough for so many.

For those of you struggling day by day.... take a deep breath. Go on a nice hike and enjoy the view for long enough to catch your breath and consider a "New Horizon". Sometimes starting fresh can be an amazing opportunity for growth. Fresh can be a new approach OR a new venture. ;)

(For a good read, see Seth Godin's "The Dip")

And for those, who of course would like my perspective on the market given the "breadth and depth" of the data I see, feel free to ping me. The audit is free. No tricks, games or gimmicks.


4 months, 5 days. Something to that affect. Basically a greater than 100% growth. This client engaged for 3 months, before the period of comparison commenced. This is a YoY comparison. $3M in actual growth. This company is on track to grow by around $20M - $30M this year, based on projected seasonal trends.


To see a $300K increase in the first 20 day window. Amazing. We took on this client and began training in January. The window you see is pre our training (top), the window after (bottom) is post our changes/recommendations. I LOVE IT. What's so epic about this situation is that the CMO did all the work. Already rapidly absorbing our training, applying it quickly, and hungrily asking for more. We're just getting started but I believe this brand will experience around a $10M+ growth this year, at a minimum. We've just begun.

What's more is the stress removal. I don't know when/where/how we arrived to the place where heads of eCommerce, Directors or CMO's were placed into a silo and told to carry the weight of a brands' growth on their back without any degree of assistnace, guidance or training. Seriously.

Industry experience + Industry Data (Hundreds Of Millions In Active eCommerce) + Resources = A WHOLE NEW WORLD.

206% Growth. $1.448M increase.

Most exciting thing here is that we've broken through the model for new sub acquisition profitably. Looking to grow this brand by more than 50k in new subscriptions this year alone. So excited!! Love working with the CMO there. Walking through the education and guidance, the team is super active to implement.

Solid opportunity

This client of ours will experience greater than a $10M growth this year. They are going to be looking to secure growth capital. Average ROAS has been 8x-10x depending on day. Solid opportunity. Ping me if you have an interest and I’ll connect you with the founders.

Meet one of my top VP's

Travelling the world full time requires incredible discipline :) in managing your sleep schedule! Meet one of my top VP's, VP of head care! haha. Starting work at 10pm and working till the sun came up was definitely an event to remember. One of my favorite memories was taking some business calls in a Ramen cafe, in Kyoto, at 3AM as part of my lunch break. :) Look friends, the world is opening back up, start planning your summer travel/work life NOW! It won't happen on its own!

The Dip

Boom. This Client/Investment has broken through "The Dip". :) They've grown from $396K to $1.245M in a 60 day comparison window. We're on a trajectory, wherein, if their production can keep up (notice the massive drop from when we had to shut orders down), we will easily do $10M - $20M this year. Average ROAS: 8X+. LOVE IT!

PS - For those not familiar with "The Dip" from Seth Godin, great read!

This one was freaking difficult

$3.6M compared to $2.3M. Sweet. This one was freaking difficult. Seriously. This client made me reconsider my life choices! haha.... They have emotionally dealt with SO MUCH that it feels good to start to get momentum!

Having nailed a total of around $3M in growth at a CPA that is sub 20% (over the past year) has been a solid win for them as they were averaging 30-40%+ on their CPA.

326% growth!

Great job Client Y (Already used X :). You're crushing it! Love the injection of third party voice and an amazing product line. 2023 is going to be epic! Well done!

Now, as my Dad always said when I was younger, "It's not what you've done for me, but what you've done for me lately! :)". Let's get "BACK TO WORK!" haha.

My recipe is nailed!

$4.176M vs $1.974M. Just over $2M in growth in a roughly 50 day window. What's interesting about this particular situation is that whereas we engaged about 60 days prior to this period, it took us a while to nail the "High Intent" audience. Even then, when we did, we needed high enough saturation in order to get them to a high degree of performance. But, Recipe's nailed. Did I mention we did this at around a 9% CPA. We legit had one day with 4.4% CPA on more than $150k in sales. That was a first. ha.

Onwards and upwards....

The cream rises to the top!!!

9 month look (since we started) comparing the clients' revenues YoY. That's a 7 figure increase in under a year. That's our goal on all clients. We strive to see a 7/8 figure run rate improvement by the end of year 1, and a 7-9 figure run rate increase for all clients that stay on for more than 1 year.

You gotta have goals! ;)

MAN! Yes. This feels good.

$40M. $40M is the amount of growth this client has experienced since we began working together. Dang! I won't take all the credit, not at all, but its a trend. I like trends. Modern report cards never felt so good!

I love growth!
I love consistency!

This client has profitably and in a self funded environment, experienced $10.17M in growth, since 2020. Average transaction value is sub $40. You can see we engaged right around the June time frame. Amazing!

Hey Peeps!

Here's a HINT for all you who are drowning in plans and campaign launches:

1. Amazing results require (a) a Full Funnel and (b) High Saturation.

2. High Saturation WILL NOT be possible through "Conversion Based Optimizations" only in the Meta/Google realm.

3. High Saturation + Diversified Creative = Effective Marketing.
High Saturation WITH ONLY LIMITED Creative = SPAM

Point is.... know Your Audience Builds. Know Your Optimization Selections. Target Filling the funnel and hitting a 7-12 frequency in multiple channels within your target window(s).

Oh man!

We're stoked with this WoW result for our client. Even my teenage daughter just can't contain her excitement! :) haha. It's going to be a good year!!! GOOOOOO Q4!!!!!!

The REAL Nightmare Before Christmas: How to optimize your Black Friday and Cyber Monday to stand out

What's this? Sandy Claws himself, aka Chris Stroud, is here to guide your way through the nasty fog of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It'll be a scream!

Custom Consulting

This client is definitely one of our smaller (if not smallest) clients. In each client case, my contribution has to be custom. This client requested that I act as an "Auditor" to their existing team. Which I have done, with my cost being the only primary increase in cost related to the work we've done.

Through that time, we've improved performance by 72% in revenue YTD, and far larger when compared YoY. The calculated cost of my contribution, SOLELY to the increase boils down to 4.6%. Total increase in that time boils down to greater than $321K.

NOTE: Based on our active run rates, my cost per growth, will boil down to significantly less than 1%. That is of course my goal in every client situation.

Custom client contribution is easily handled and the goal is clear. Profit. In this case, I was an auditor/advisor.

We know what success feels like!

RESULT: $294,551.18 (84.59%) growth!
NOTE: Why in the world do I post these results? I post them so that you know that we KNOW what it is to succeed. Those who succeed most often are, by their very nature, not new to it. We may not win the championship every year, but we win it often. We know what success feels like, tastes like. We're not new to the end zone.

Progress is good!

This is a nearly $300k increase over the previous 10 day window. To say the least, this is nearly a 7 figure impact to their monthly revenue, just attained in the last 2 weeks, let alone the progress from the previous 4 months. Key breakthroughs were as follows:

- A re-definition of attribution metrics by the Finance department
- A scaling of shoppers within TOF...
- Assisted optimization, on a tactical level, of FB Campaign optimization

I expect this client to grow by $5M - $10M over the next year.

"Doctor" Stroud in the Multiverse of Math-ness: Unlock the portal to e-commerce success through one simple equation. Strange, right?

Analytics can seem like it's an entirely different universe. I'll teach you to harness the power you already have to unlock your company’s true potential. No cloaks or fancy hand movements required…unless you like those. You do you.

Everything takes time!

94% increase. Everything takes time. It’s nice when it starts to hit properly. Aiming to triple this company’s previous $350k’ish mark, on a monthly basis, before EOY.

Prague baby! Prague!

Welcome to upcoming weekend people! Go have an adventure. Break out of your norm. Leave behind your work and stresses. Find a way to take a moment for you and those you care for. When you're done, you'll be all the better for it. Problems will seem smaller. Ideas will be generated. Success will be more easily attained.

This was my weekend adventure 3 weeks back. Prague baby! Prague!

$3.2M lift in run rate

Our lovely "Client X" uses an internal reporting system for eCommerce sales. As such, I'm not able to do our normal pull from GA. That being said, its been amazing seeing the progress of this client over the last 4 weeks. Their "Run Rate" has increased by millions and looks to be continuing in that direction. Very excited.

Make your business stand out!

I hosted a Masterclass at the White Label Expo in New York last September 29 & 30, 2022!

I covered everything from how to resuscitate your FB engine post-IOS updates, to my advanced pre-order strategy, to the importance of building a strong mid-funnel (and how to do it), and so much more.

It was intense, but a blast at the same time.

Want to get this info? Email me, and let’s discuss!

This wouldn’t have happened without us!

$1.676M increase YoY (9 month comparsion) is JUST the tip of the Iceberg and I can say 100% would NOT have happened without us. Here's the thing, this doesn't show the increase in their Amazon which increased even more! Nor does it show their subscriptions which went up even more. Our impact in the last 9 months has produced greater than $4M in sales.


My team has way too much fun photoshopping my face on different memes 🤣 The picture might be funny, but my webinar tomorrow won't be something to laugh at!

Game of Thrones isn't half as cutthroat as marketing right now, especially with Q4 right around the corner. I'll show you how to properly operate a dual-marketing budget that will not only boost your sales, but also your new customer acquisition.

Click the button below to get a copy of my webinar. It's 100% free and when applied correctly, the topics covered could make you millions!

30 minutes per week

30 minutes per week of my time, our network of resources and our support department AND a great deal of work on this clients' part, has brought this to pass.

This brand is small. Very small. I almost wasn't going to take them on, but, they're empowered by two amazing owners. When we first launched, we chose to do a "micro engagement" from a consultative approach given their limited resources.

Highest single day ever!

Congrats to our client (you know who you are!!) who just had their highest single day ever! We’re just getting started but super well done! :)

Life Finds A Way

“Staying still and keeping calm” might save you from a T-Rex 🦖 … But it DEFINITELY won't save you from the effects IOS14 have had on your ecommerce ecosystem. The market is alive and well.

I'll show you how to revive your new customer acquisition in a big way. With the right combination of strategies, you can take your results from meh to indominus.

Come and join my webinar on Thursday at 12pm MT!

Real client. Real growth.

June was their first month of profitability in 8 months. It wasn't just due to their revenue increase but also due to their COGS improvements. Great job team!

It’s time for a change!

Ask yourself - are you really that afraid of help that you'll avoid contacting me?! :) The cost maybe...? Seriously, don't you think they've paid me off in a matter of weeks?

This market is kind to those who can change. Marketing the same way you have for the past 2-4 years is not working. nor will it.

Best new customer acquisition in ages.

Our iOS 14/FB fix went into process in December. Yes, its a bit complex and high maintenance. BUT DAAAANNNNGGGG.

Seriously…. If you don’t want a consultant, at least higher an analyst like ME! :) Be your CMO/CEO/President/VP Marketing self, BUT let me run the data analysis and let me make recommendations based on all that I see, you do the implementation. We all win! :)

I see more business backend performance and eCommerce revenue across more accounts like 99% of the market. Just sayin’….

First off...

Yes, those revenue numbers are accurate and that growth is real. The client will have gone from around a $50k-$100k run rate to north of $500k in less than 60 days. Awesome.

Second, NO, that eCommerce Conversion rate is NOT real. haha. The GA analytics broke as it relates to traffic.

Third, this product has an insane maturation window. As such, it will be some time before the real impact of what we've just kicked off hits fully!


eCommerce problems can typically be resolved through 5 distinct categories of work. Namely the (1) Mathematical Equation, (2) Market Positioning, (3) Channel Selection, (4) Systems & Architecture and (5) Political and Emotional Captital.

40th Birthday Celebration!

Being in Morocco and visiting the Sahara for your 40th birthday celebration (birthday a few weeks away) is epic! Taking the picture below (Yes, very real) was epic! Discovering on your work call later that night that a long standing friend/business contact and a potential client had been in Morocco at that same time… haha, hilarious. Seriously, we were both communicating on US hours and yet we were both in Morocco! Haha.

Here’s to a mobile world! Get out there people!

The cream rises to the top!

As Grandpa used to say, while snapping his suspenders, "The cream rises to the top!" Boom baby! PS - this new customer acquisition trend has produced a $12M future book of business, while breaking records. Congratulations to the client and our team. Well done!

WARNING! Marketing Nomenclature Forthcoming …

All right peeps, let's geek out. We increased Q1 over Q4 revenues through resolving the top of funnel intake problems, repaired cash flow projections based on the deltas between new customer acquisiton vs. repeat customer purchases, implemented a new UX flow for new customer acquisition and increased both creavtive diverstiy and ad buying optimization diversity while maintaining appropriate audience sizes and frequency.

Diversified channels are kept to a minimum. New UX nurture series also hit well and the client is on track to have the best year ever. Probably looking at a $10M+ revenue increase YoY.


We have a better handle on how to recessitate new customer acquisition than ever before. PS - new client acquisition in BLUE. Yes, our primary channel here was FB. We implemented our tactics for this client in full in the last week of December to today. This client just hit their best new customer acquisition month ever. So proud.

I went and flew a kite!

One of the hardest things for me to learn, in my "work life", was how to not feel guilty when taking time off. It feels like I spent years trying to figure out how to work hard and all the sudden needed to learn how to play hard (and not so hard) other times.

Its strange to me... the guilt. I believe we should find a way to celebrate the victories of others in doing their best in work AND life.

You can either learn how to solve this on your own through trial and error, or you can ask for help.

Odds are, most of you are dealing with decreased New Customer Acquisition trend lines, extremely high CPM's in FB, decreased site traffic, etc.... I get it. We've solved this (See the blue line, January, in this client example).

Growth is here. Its not magic, but it might as well be! ;)

We built a roadmap. We completed a KPI's breakdown. We overlaid a thematic calendar. We audited the Market Position. We checked CFO projections around inventory and cash flow. We trained the buyers and guided the client. New creative is in production. Testing and scaling has begun.


Guys! Amazing! Wow. What a week! Get ready for a long post AND AN ASK FOR HELP!

(Heads up for those that do not follow me on FB, we recently volunteered to take in a family from Ukraine, into our Guest House here in Portugal. This is an update on where this stands, as I've had dozens ask for more info )

Here’s to their return to sanity!

Corrected Market Position. Built Roadmap for growth. Defined Labor Plan. Filled open positions. Actively training new talent. Clients just enjoyed their first vacation in a long time.

Client’s FIRST EVER Venture

New client report card. :) The client has a unique “dependency” in their business that requires a slow gain in revenues and earnings, but nonetheless, this is the client’s FIRST EVER venture. Haha. He quit his day job and thought, “I think I’ll try being a business owner” haha. Great guy. Completely lucky he got the right help at the right time. He will remember 2021 as being a good year…. Will you?

Attention All Marketers!!!

Please please please continue to believe that FB ads have died or are dying. It is making my life SO MUCH EASIER! Haha. Seriously. Here’s a self-check for you…. If your ad account uses “Purchase Based Optimization” for more than 90% of your spend, and FB is your primary channel, then yes, you’re “up the creek”. It’s not the optimization per se, as much as what it means to your whole ecosystem.

Taking a breather…

…at the top of the Burj Khalifa, in Dubai, after an intense week. :) I love being inspired by the work of others.


In 2020 alone, we contributed more than $87M in growth from our product-only clientele (excluding other non-product categories like lead gen, B2B, etc.)

If you come across any clients that may fit our model, feel free to reach out and introduce us. We'll send you 20% of the contract for the life of the client.

Growing companies is amazing!

I spend countless hours working on behalf of others, and I am super grateful for the chance to get to know them and their businesses!

But nothing beats living a life without regrets! I can genuinely say, nothing makes me happier than spending this time with my family!

Client product re-launch.

Didn't quite hit what we targeted growth-wise. But, growth nonetheless. Look, not every gig grows as I'd like, but this was still great growth. :) Onwards and upwards!

Slow is steady, steady is fast.

Slow is steady, steady is fast. It’s interesting, in this Icelandic canyon, the wind howls intensely, but I'm pretty sure it was the water and ice that cut this rock over the years. I could be wrong.... :) The water is so chill as it rolls on by, but it makes all the difference. Be consistent. The culmination of your successes comes from consistently pursuing your path.

Here's to your adventures in business and elsewhere!

We can teach you how to handle iOS 14

Nov 1 - Jan 31 YoY Comparison on one of our clients. We can teach you how to handle iOS 14's impact on new customer acquisition. Let's connect when you're ready to fix the problem.


The green circle is when we met with the client and they changed their ad-buying tactics. This client will experience 7 figure revenue growth in November, compared to last year, in less than 8 weeks from starting with us. They were NOT on track to do this from the iOS 14 growth. Look, marketing works. FB still works. You just need to understand what is happening.

There are moments (like these) that make the hard work worth it. These happen for me, every day. Whether it’s for my wife, kids or myself, it makes working with awesome partners like all of you so fun. Thank you!


It's nice to see some great upticks on monthly earnings in what normally amounts to the "calm before the storm". Great work to the client and the team!

577% growth.

We love to see it 😎 #ecommerce #digitalmedia

We're constantly adventuring, but here are some fun family adventures from last year! Life's wick constantly burns till it doesn't! Go get it!

1,027% YoY Growth

Small business Black Friday/Cyber Monday performance. 1,027% YoY growth... Grateful for the work in planning, partnership development, influencer activation, and more that this client was able to undertake.

Near 100% Success Rate

We currently have a near 100% success rate of helping our clients achieve 7-figure growth within 1 year of working together! Primary elements of improvement, in this case, included marketing tactics, along with product development and bundling tactics.

My office for the day.😎

546% increase YoY

Primary means of success: ramp in spend, ramp in creative production, refined consumer experience, the opening of new traffic channels, improved "benchmark channel" performance.

Massive strides for a start-up

Massive strides for a start-up and we haven't even begun to expand into new channels. This was all based on optimizing existing channels. 2021 is going to be HUGE!

It’s always an adventure with this crew! 😎

Proof's in the pudding, people! :)

Yeah, so, I said a few days ago that the changes in iOS 14 were real and that changes had to be made in order to get your CPAs back in line. Proof's in the pudding people. Proof's in the pudding.

This client is "in Motion" on implementation. You can see their CAC adjustments in red. They're now starting to scale.

Weekly Win Wednesday!

249% increase YoY. This is what we like to call a spike in performance!

Nature’s playground.

Making memories with my family and being a dad is my favorite job!

Loving the new Skydio 2 drone!

Amazing camera. I do wish it was a bit more stable at high altitudes, but the cameras themselves are amazing and frankly, its not really meant to be used at high altitudes but rather in following and getting closer drone shots.

Up to $100k+ in one month for this Startup.

Mid-pandemic, we took over and look at the results. Real growth comes from improvement and a profitable CPA. Growth is possible even during a pandemic!

$32M in yearly revenue growth.

The change since our engagement with this client has been massive! I love what I do!

I love the freedom my job gives me.

That’s all 😎

I love surfing and boogie boarding.

Dang... I need to live near a beach, more full-time.

Say hello to massive GROWTH.

97% increase YoY and we are still going!

$15M in growth last year

This year they're on track for another $50M in growth, no kidding! SO EXCITED! I think we'll break $100M in 2022.

298% increase over the last year

Boom! Third-party voice used properly can do that for you!


Bangkok will officially be one of the first places we go again once everything starts getting back to normal. PS - how about you? I'm hungry to see some new sites... tell me some of your top 3 places!

$8M in growth

546% increase YoY. Primary means of success: ramp in spend, ramp in creative production, refined consumer experience, the opening of new traffic channels, improved "benchmark channel" performance.

2 million in growth!

Why don't you take a long walk off a short pier!?!?! No... really? :)

Work is meant to support you, not the other way around! Funny thing, I did work all that week. Roatan baby! Roatan!

The Hobbiton

Hitting the Hobbiton film set really emotionally just made the travel real. ;) Adventure is out there!

$16M in growth!!!

3,587% over the previous year! Amazing. Our clients work hard. We're grateful. We're also grateful they follow our instructions and discuss concerns with us. These hurdles aren't easy, and it takes compromise on all sides to get there.

7 figures + revenue growth!!!

Consistent success is not perfect but does prove that a pattern has commenced. I'm confident in our ever-improving ability to recreate that pattern.

Man, shoutout to my kids! They are so patient.

Traveling the world is a privilege, but so hard too! It's hard to make friends, difficult to have a "space you call your own", etc. I am a greedy Dad, hogging as much of their time as I can. Hate me, kids.... but I will cherish these days! Thanks for making awesome memories with me!

$8M in growth!!!

That is a 546% increase YoY. Primary means of success: Ramp in spend, Ramp in creative production, Refined consumer experience, The opening of new traffic channels, Improved "benchmark channel" performance. When success is a pattern, it goes beyond just luck!

Double Account Acquisition

his client has an LTV period of 3-5+ years. They are looking for a line of cash flow/credit that will allow them to cash flow the first 3-5 months of acquisition.

Ever feel like you've lost a dear friend that you actually never knew?

I do all the time! I MISS, FIERCELY, the brilliant minds that have created the wonders we observe today. I am SO GRATEFUL for the mastery of the art they undertook. I wish I could gain some time with so many of them. Can you imagine the conversations?!?!

HUGE product launch in the tech space! We put this client through a specially designed preorder strategy which performed phenomenally well. Let's keep rolling into 2021!

Tech Space: HUGE product launch

We put this client through a specially designed preorder strategy which performed phenomenally well. Let's keep rolling into 2021!


I did calls then took a long lunch and enjoyed some river rafting. Then, went back to calls. Hey! Gotta shake things up!


7 figure ecom growth in 1 year

7 figure eCom growth in a year. Everyone has a beginning. Hopefully we can get some added inventory and move our way up the revenue chain.

Five kids. Yep, I'm that crazy dad.

I'm even crazier - I'd take five more. I love my kids.

My dad experience has certainly helped me resonate with some of my female brands! When I worked with Willow Pump, I was no stranger to the world of breastfeeding!


Revenue up 1,027%

Everyone has to start from somewhere. Growth is growth people. :)


305% growth in 60 days

Fantastic ramp to close out 2020! 305% growth in 60 days. Just another day


$4.8MM to $28MM

$4.8MM to $28MM in less than 18 months... This job is addicting...

I love these kids!

Seriously, being a Dad is the BEST GIG EVER!

When I grow up I hope I can learn to be a kid again.



On track for $75M+

YoY Black Friday Performance. That being said, it’s a new year and we're planning to hit $75M+ with this client. Lots to do... lots to do. ;)


Sales up 842%

New product launch, new website, new creative, specific email cadence, and more. Basically, a new money-making engine built from scratch.


Revenue up almost 1,000%, CPA cut in half

Q4 in 2020 compared to Q4 in 2019. We have practically transformed this business model, all while decreasing CPA by over 50%. We’re still rolling!


1,576% increase in YoY revenue

MASSIVE gains within the health/wellness industry. This amounted to months of website refinements, ad testing, and new channel partnerships. I love what I do!

312% more transactions

This is what a spike in performance looks like when you are feeding the right message and creative to your target audience!

431% revenue growth

BF/CM this year compared to last. We took our learning from last year in order to take this year’s performance to the next level. We love it!

300% yoy growth - music tech

Almost 300% YoY growth in the DTC music tech industry. Tech products are so much fun. The key is getting into an ad rhythm, seasonal events cadence, and maximizing your retargeting efforts. Boom!

179% YoY growth

179% YoY growth. Some clients hope for one simple fix to skyrocket their business. That’s not always the case. For this client, it took careful planning, testing, and preparation.


New Product Launches

New product launches are my FAVORITE. Whether it’s the next gen of a pre-existing product or bringing a new product to market, we run our clients through a very specific strategy so when we flip the “on” switch, we get returns instantly.


Influencers & 3rd Party Voice

Proper use of influencers and 3rd party voice within your marketing channels can reap MASSIVE returns when done right, especially during holiday sales periods.

217% increase over last year and we are still rolling in Q4! BOOM!


1,147% YoY Growth

1,147% YoY growth is something we’ve gotten used to seeing! This is a home goods company. We don’t succeed every time, but we are pretty good at what we do.


In the Middle of a Pandemic

170%+ growth in the middle of a pandemic? Yes! When Covid hit, many companies were uncertain about the effects it would have on their business.

We saw the opposite on our end! There was a massive shift towards eCommerce. It was a rough year, but there are still massive amounts of growth to be had.


1,516% Growth

1,516% growth in the cosmetics field. This client came in with an unprofitable CPA and high spend. We hit profitability in 60 days and haven't looked back!


854% Growth

854% growth in the 7 figures YoY, only comparing a 17-day window! Awesome! I love this job!

PS - glad the elections are out of the way and we can get back to work!


7 Figure Frowth

7 figure growth over 6 months. Client Snapshot from Amazon and Shopify environment. This is a DTC product. In the consumables space. We love it when we help our clients succeed!


3+ Years…

Yeah, that happened! ;) LOVE THIS CLIENT. 3+ years…



That is all.


$1.8M vs. $578K

We engaged with this client in March. You can see the 7-figure change since our engagement. It’s a team effort. Super excited for the future of this client.


Breaking $20M

Super grateful for patient brands. This year we will break $20M with this company, all self funded, non VC capital. LOVE IT!


April Launch!

Guiding this company during launch in April. I keep saying this.... the market is still alive and well!


Massive growth…

is always an iterative process. It’s methodical, clear cut and well planned. It’s not about one big leap to the top, it’s about knowing the right direction to take and knowing what success looks like along the way.


Brands can still grow!

Brands can still grow, even during Covid. I get it doesn't fit all companies, but we're still seeing strong growth in many sectors. (FYI - this company does not sell food or emergency equipment ;) )


Marketing cadence counts.

It’s not just how it looks, where it’s purchased, or what it says. The frequency and "cadence" of how it plays out can have a huge impact. This brand simply changed cadence and this has been their performance over the past 60 days. Their revenues have doubled!


Empowered to succeed

We empower each of our clients with the tools, resources, relationships and training they need to succeed. By removing us from the “production” equation, we remove possible bottlenecks that are so common to contract relationships.


Growth is obtainable, even in this market.

This is March 2020, vs. 2019, for one of our clients. Let's be clear, there is a "re-prioritization" of purchase decisions, but growth is still here for the taking. Remember, your competitor won't have to outrun "the bear,"they just need to outrun you.


Startup just broke first month of $100K+ revenues

Previous to working with Stroudinc, this luxury cosmetics company struggled to grow. We came on board November 5th. This is a profitable account with a profitable CPA. We pride ourselves in being able to make iterative developments with accounts that allow them to fund their futures.

Primary areas of improvement occurred in creative usage, creative/image architecture, market position as defined by value proposition and a more effective optimization around mid funnel.

Not sure if we can help? Neither are we! Ha! ;) We’ll perform an audit for free. If we can help you, we’ll let you know. If we can’t, we’ll tell you that too. No tricks, games or gimmicks. It’s that easy!


February 2020 earnings (in 10 days) surpassed all of feb 2019 revenues

2020 YTD vs. 2019 YTD. Client tenure with 2.5 yrs. Home goods category. On track to break $15M - $20M in 2020. $1.4M in 2017 (pre-engagement with Stroudinc). Average CPA has decreased by 50% and remains in the teens.


First 13 days!

I have found that real growth is accomplished with improvements that come month by month and year by year. So excited to help this company go the distance! This is just the first 13 days! Here we go!


Starting from scratch

This company is NOT a seasonal product. They struggled for nearly a year to see sales ramp in eCommerce until we were able to guide them starting in November. We're now on track to break $100K in revenues in January 2020. Note: whereas we consult clients large ($100M+) and small (Starting from $0), here is an example of success more similar to those starting from scratch.


Consulting works.

Marketing budget dropped by 8%.


2019 YTD vs 2018 YTD for another one of our clients

Long term clients get continued long term results. I heard once that CMOs typically have an average employment lifecycle of 18 months. In so many ways, this is a loss to the companies who lack patience. Each year that passes, real progress can be made from talent that can learn. Invest in talent and experience that can learn. Real growth is iterative.


4,665.73% GROWTH YoY

I'll be honest, the brand was "coasting" last year. But this far surpasses any sale period or month they've EVER had. Here's to a great December and 2020.


Paid search revenue up 298% YoY

298% YoY growth in paid search revenues only. One of the things that makes our consultancy unique is our ability to match talent with client needs. We never act as a middle man or bottleneck. Great Client + Great Talent = Great Results.


YoY Comparison

I LOVE Q4. It’s not even to the best part yet!


Compounding Growth

Check out this growth. Love the team effort! The fruits of consulting do affect earnings now, but the greater the time, the greater the progress. Normally, October is a DOWN month for this client, and the first two weeks of November are down in prep for the holiday season.

Total revenue since January.jpeg

Reversing the Negative Trend

We began guiding their eCommerce in April. Victory sometimes comes more slowly than desired, but it comes. Don't fly blind... ask for help. Pure consulting is incredibly painless and insightful. ;) Try it.

GA YTD.jpeg

Not even halfway finished & revenue up 75% YoY

This represents less than half of what this client actually has achieved YTD in new sales. This client will spend 7-figures in November and December and is looking to open up new channels.

Excited for more.png

Revenue up 525%

Hmm. What to say, what to say. ;) I'm excited for more!


$8M to $13M. Wow.

This growth is incredible, but came with hard work, time (3+yrs) and PATIENCE. Some brands have more to overcome and a more competitive environment. Patience and perseverance by this firm was CRUCIAL. Hoping to break $15-$18M in the next 12 months. ;)

The Difference

I very rarely do a full takeover on a brand, but it’s always fun when we do. The speed of the changes and testing is incredible. This company is in month 2. We should double or triple next month.


Full CMO Role MGMT

We only do this for a couple of clients at any given time. Looking for two more. Here are’s some results from a contract closed in the first part of August 2019.


173% Growth

In the first 4 weeks of working with us. It’s not even close to where we need to be, but it’s a start. I love this game! ;)


Consulting works people. It works.

Client of 15 months. Continued YoY growth of 7-figures. Probably 8 by EoY. All eCom. 18% CPA. Onward and upward. We have a ton more to do. Now working into advanced acquisition mechanics to hit target numbers.

There are moments (like these) that make the hard work worth it. These happen for me, every day. Whether it’s for my wife, kids or myself, it makes working with awesome partners like all of you so fun. Thank you!

For companies spending more than $50K per month in advertising, I will make you more money in 2 calls than I'll cost you for 3 months. It’s that simple. Don't believe me? Try it. I'll back it up.